FREE Event  -  Live Online Broadcast - 
FREE Event  
- Live Online Broadcast - 
During This Online Event We Are Bringing Together Some Of The World’s Greatest Social Innovators To Consider The Most Pressing Question Of Our Time:
How do we mobilize and support the 
social innovators and youth around the globe to create Peace on Earth by 2030? 
The key to that answer is YOU!

“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. 
A dream you dream together is reality.”
John Lennon
To Change The World
We Need To Dream A New One Into Existence.
This Takes Courage, Knowledge, And People
Who Believe That Future Is Possible.
We Call These People DreamKeepers
This Summit Is A Call To DreamKeepers 
Who Wish To Manifest 
Humanity's Greatest Dream - Peace On Earth! 
Why You Need To Attend
The power of the internet, and globalization are changing the productive, financial and geopolitical maps of the planet.  We are facing an endangered global environment, and we have an inescapable responsibility to redefine the way we live together on our planet. 

We cannot predict what will happen.

What we can do is choose to open ourselves to new ways of navigating this critical moment. Together, we are capable of providing the condition that translate our concerns for future generations into concrete actions and commitments in the present. 

Will you join us in this great adventure?

Are you prepared to participate in unprecedented unified action? 

Are you ready to play your part in creating a peaceful world for future generations?
At This FREE Summit Event,
We will reveal our bold vision and plan to create peace on earth by 2030.
As a DreamKeeper, we invite you to play along, whilst also learning the tools
and strategies you need to bring your own vision for world peace to fruition. 
Each person and organisation that attends will be invited to help manifest this dream.

Come ready to play.

In addition to the speakers access you will be playing “Let’s Make Waves” which is a fun, simple-to-play Compassion Game that empowers us to synchronize our Livestreams to create Waves of change. These waves enable us to produce together, unprecedented, unified action and a synchronized impact.
Get ready to be inspired to make choices and take actions that will help us better shape our future
Who Is This Summit For?
- DreamKeepers - Social Innovators - Leaders -
PLUS: Anyone Who Wants To Become A Compassion Games Player or Supporter
What To Expect
In addition to being inspired and learning from experts and accomplished 
social innovators, during the summit we will: 

Learn How We Create Peace On Earth
We will learn the insights, strategies, and tools to create peace on earth by 2030. Build the solidarity and strength of a global “We the People” to translate our concerns for the future generations into concrete actions and commitments in the present.   
Play "Let's Make Waves!"
A fun, simple-to-play Compassion Game that empowers us to energize our livestreams to create waves of change. These waves enable us to produce together unprecedented unified action and a shared impact.
Synergized Impact Network Exchange.
A self-funded membership program to build our collective capacity to make SINE Waves that expands our online audience and strengthens and develops our network of partners.
Unveil Global Peace Roadmap
Unveil a Roadmap to September 20, 2020, when we launch a Global Peace Wave and multiply the live, active, mass audience to reach 100 million people. On 9/20/2020 we also launch an EPIC Game: “Seven Actions to Create Peace on Earth” and kick off an international decade dedicated to achieving the Global Goals and Peace on Earth by 2030.

Empowerment Platform For Impact In Community (EPIC)
We will announce the development of the Empowerment Platform for Impact in Community (EPIC), a management system designed to leverage both game and systems theory. EPIC engages people through a complementary game architecture that increases efficiencies, fun, impact, and well-being. We will globally launch the social change game “Seven Actions to Create Peace on Earth” on 9/20/2020.
Book your space at this ground-breaking peace summit now.
And be ready to share the events as they happen, 
creating an online peace wave of global change 
-   Summit Speakers   -
Akhtar Badshah
Catalytic Innovators
Ben Bowler
Unity Earth
Brigitte van Baren & Julie Schelling
Peace Pledge Project
Cynthia Lagrou
Films for the Planet
David Gershon
Empowerment Institute
Dr. James Doty
Stanford University
Dr. Kurt Johnson
Interspiritual Network

Wendi Gilbert
Kindness Evolution
Karen Palmer
Global Kindness TV
Kunal Sood
Tedx Curator and Founder of Novus
Lynnaea Lumbard
New Stories Founder
Marilyn Turkovich
Charter for Compassion
Matt Turner
Serve Community
Leslie Meehan
Compassionate Silicon Valley

Norie Huddle
Creator of The Best Game On Earth

Sarah Gough
Play For Peace
Daniel John Colantonio
Hustlers for Humanity & Serve
Deborah Moldow
Garden of Light
Andy Smallman
Monica Willard
URI & Peace Jam
Nicola Jackman
The Joy Movement
Hereditary Chief
Phil Lane Jr.
Four Worlds 
International Institute
Yanni Manniates
Unity Earth
Salmaan Sana
Better Futures
Scott Goyette & Youth
Go Love Now
Marilyn Levin
KINS Innovation Networks
Craig Dobkin
Founder of Play For Peace
Girish Shah
Compassionate Silicon Valley
Ebba Svenson
Ways 2 World Peace
Albin Hagberg Medin
Ways 2 World Peace
-   Hosts   -
Jon Ramer
Founder of Compassion Games International
Sommer Joy Albertsen
Leader of Compassion Games International
Summit Schedule
September 22nd 
via live broadcast and available on demand
Live Online Broadcast -  September 22, 2018 
F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions
How do you play 'Let’s Make Waves'?
You play “Let's Make Waves” by sharing a Facebook livestream with others, in the process we make a wave and multiply the live audience. When a player shares the livestream it charges their life with an energy that will heal and protect. We experience this sharing energy when caring for others voluntarily, with no expectation of a reward. You care for others by sharing the stream to make a wave. A rising tide lifts all boats. The wave is strengthened by the act of sharing.

What is a SINE Wave?
We are launching a Synergized Impact Network Exchange (SINE) to support SINE Members making SINE Waves. SINE Members set up a “route” that identifies where they will share their livestream when they go live.  
Is there a slide presentation about SINE?
Is there a slide presentation about the Global Peace Wave being planned for September 20, 2020?
Yes. The presentation includes the Roadmap to 2020 and 2030. Click here.
Who is a Social Innovator?
Social Innovators are defined as Changemakers, Leaders, Founders, Directors, and Social, Network and System Entrepreneurs who are managing NGOs or Social Enterprises.
What are the breakdowns (challenges and opportunities) that the summit addresses?
- Reaching a bigger audience
- Increasing levels of engagement
- Strategies for creative fundraising
- Collaborative tools and practiced from partnering
How are Social Innovators and solutions grouped in the summit? 
They are grouped around the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.
F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions
How do you play 'Let’s Make Waves'?
You play “Let's Make Waves” by sharing a Facebook livestream with others, in the process we make a wave and multiply the live audience. When a player shares the livestream it charges their life with an energy that will heal and protect. We experience this sharing energy when caring for others voluntarily, with no expectation of a reward. You care for others by sharing the stream to make a wave. A rising tide lifts all boats. The wave is strengthened by the act of sharing.

What is a SINE Wave?
We are launching a Synergized Impact Network Exchange (SINE) to support SINE Members making SINE Waves. SINE Members set up a “route” that identifies where they will share their livestream when they go live.  
Is there a slide presentation about SINE?
Is there a slide presentation about the Global Peace Wave being planned for September 20, 2020?
Yes. The presentation includes the Roadmap to 2020 and 2030. Click here.
Who is a Social Innovator?
Social Innovators are defined as Changemakers, Leaders, Founders, Directors, and Social, Network and System Entrepreneurs who are managing NGOs or Social Enterprises.
What are the breakdowns (challenges and opportunities) that the summit addresses?
- Reaching a bigger audience
- Increasing levels of engagement
- Strategies for creative fundraising
- Collaborative tools and practiced from partnering
How are Social Innovators and solutions grouped in the summit? 
They are grouped around the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.